12 Story-Worthy Moments for the Holidays

We’re working on making this holiday story-worthy, not store-bought. Because come January, all the store-bought gifts and decorations will be put away...But the story-worthy memories will still be warming our hearts. Those memories will still be in your childrens’ hearts when they are raising a family too!

Here are 12 days worth of story-worth moments.

12. Baking. The kitchen will be A MESS. The baking process will be 3xs longer than if flying solo in the kitchen. But let them bake anyway. Not only will they learn life skills, but appreciate the trouble you normally go through when preparing meals and desserts for the family!

11. Decorating. Only the bottom of the tree will be decorated. Actually, all decorations will be at knee level. But let them decorate anyway. It stretches their creative muscles, plus makes them feel that they contributed to the look of the house. Gives them a sense of pride and also appreciate for the decorations - if there are stories behind them, make sure you share them!

10. Short road trip. You may have tackled all of the holiday festivities in your hometown over the last few years. It may be time to plow a new path. Look within an hour or two drive from home to see what other towns are offering for holiday activities; drive-thru lights, concerts, displays, etc.

9. Concert. There are concerts everywhere! It doesn’t have to be with a professional symphony (although very enjoyable!) - it can be at a local school or church. We’re always listening to the radio - in the car, in the kitchen…try something live!

8. Faves for Dinner. That week before Christmas Day is the hardest to plan meals, right? With a hectic schedule and meal prep already starting for the big day, any help would go a long way. Tag your family with choosing their favorite meals for each night of that week. Or keep it simple with just their favorite sandwiches. And make sure they will with preparation on the day of their meal!

7. Griswold Light Drive. Go for a drive through your neighborhood or nearby towns. Fill some lidded paper cups with hot cocoa or drive thru Chick Fila for a fabulous Peppermint milkshake!

6. Volunteer. Most likely on your list already. Is it time to add another? Or change it up? What is something that is special to the kids that they could contribute to - whether monetarily or with their time and talents. No better way to drive home the reason for the season!

5. Gingerbread House Competition. You can buy kids almost anywhere - Target, Ikea, Trader Joes. Throw in some extra items and like chocolates, sprinkles and candy canes. Have each member of the family decorate one. If family and friends are coming to visit, have them vote. Or submit anonymous ballets.

4. Written or video message. Write a letter to someone special - even if you see them often. It’s always a lovely surprise for anyone to receive happy mail instead of bills! Or, write a letter to a member of the military that is far from home over the holidays. You can also create video messages from your phone - maybe singing a carol or while you’re in a baking flurry!

3. Party or Get-together with the neighbors. I know, already overscheduled with parties? This one can just be for an hour or so with your nearby neighbors. Maybe just for hot chocolate or an organized hike, football game at a local park or field or the adults can plan a scavenger hunt for the kids at the different yards.

2. Gratitude Video. Pull together some pictures from this past year and put them into a simple slideshow and watch as a family. Or, have each member of the family contribute the pictures that make them the happiest. It will be fun to see everyone’s perspective on the year!

1. Offer up, give up. Time to clean out! What can you donate? It doesn’t have to be something old or outgrown. What are you not using, or wearing or playing with? Find an organization such as a women’s shelter or foster home that would gladly accept these items. Even give them a call to see what they need and make a small purchase on your way.

There are so many more meaningful ways to create beautiful memories at the holidays. These are just a few suggestions - because the holidays are so much more than opening presents on the big day. It’s all the days of excitement and anticipation leading up to the day (and all those vacation days afterwards!)


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