What Would You Miss the Most? Here's a List:

Are you missing anyone right now? Whether they are gone from earth, still here but not physically near or maybe their memory is fading.

What is it that you miss most about them? Maybe that cannot be answered with one word or concept. Relationships are complex like that. If they were sitting right beside you on that bench, what words would you speak or what actions would you take? What if you knew it would be the last time you see them?

I think most of us agree that we leave a lot of words unspoken. And sometimes it’s too late to speak them. Why don’t we say the words that loved ones need or long to hear? Maybe too hard. Too awkward. Too little time. Too many assumptions.

I recently lost a relative this weekend. An entire lifetime of memories in that casket. I had plenty of time throughout the day to reflect on his life and what he meant to me. But what I couldn’t answer…did he know how I felt about him? How he enriched my life and how I will find so many funny stories to recall with him? Did he feel our family’s love when he entered the room? Because he sure did brighten it.

Sadly, I concluded, I doubt it. I think he knew we loved him. But why? What did we love so much? So many things. That I will never get to tell him.

I’ve created this template to help create a list of all the wonderful things we cherish about our loved ones. It will be one of the most impactful, meaningful lists that you will create and give away. Giving this finished list to someone is an instant day-maker, confidence-booster and mood-changer. Don’t wait until the funeral to reflect and miss out on sharing your thoughts.

It’s doesn’t have to been done in one sitting. Take time to think it through. It can be given to anyone you appreciate right now - not waiting until the near end of life. Feel free to rewrite in your own words (this is just to prompt your thoughts!), or print as is to deliver it.

My hope is you get one in return :)


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