Quick, Easy & Fun (& Free!) Holiday Games For The Family

As if the holiday season wasn’t asking too much of us, the kiddos are home for school for (what seems like) a very long time! While there are many activities and distractions throughout the week(ish), there are always the inevitable lulls in the action. Perhaps, even the gaming gets old?  Or, you need to lore them away from the gaming is more like it.  Here are a few simple, short and fun (and free) games to break the boredom or tension or away from the cookies or as dinnertime conversation…anytime games.

Before playing any games, establish if you want to offer prizes for places. And if you do, determine what those prizes will be. If you want to keep these games completely free, offer the winner the choice of where to eat out next, or a month off chore duty…anything to drive the motivation*.

*One thing to note, these games can be played with a wide range of ages, but if you do have teenagers in the house, then driving motivation with a prize would be highly advised.


Items needed: Santa’s hat (or a bowl or any vessel with a wide opening!), pre-cut small pieces of paper, at least 2”x3”. Multiple pencils or pens – just be sure they are all the same color.

This is a ‘guess who answered that?’ game, a holiday version. Each family member takes turns being the ‘reader’ for a round. Using the list below, the ‘reader’ will read a question and family members write their answers on a piece of paper and toss them into Santa’s hat. The person who read the question in this round will also read the answers one at a time. The other family members will guess whose answer it was. Whoever guesses the correct person wins a point for that round, or for some questions, whoever got the most votes (#2, #6).

1.     My favorite holiday tradition is _________.

2.     Which family member do you think was the naughtiest this year?

3.     My favorite holiday song is __________.

4.     If I wrote a Holiday book, I would title it:

5.     My favorite holiday cookie is _________.

6.     Which family member do you think was the nicest this year?

7.     The best gift ever would be_________.

8.     The best gift I have ever received so far:

9.     I think the best thing to do in the snow is:

10.  This is my favorite holiday of the year is _________.

11.  My favorite scent of the holiday season is __________.

12.  My favorite character from a holiday movie is ________.

13.  If I could do anything all day while off from school (or work), I would ________.

14.  If I had to choose one food to eat all holiday break, it would be ________.

15.  I wish my stocking would be filled with this candy:

16.  My favorite holiday memory every is:

17.  If was to interview Santa Claus, I would ask him this:


Items needed for each player: Pen or pencil or marker, bingo card (pdf on this page, or make your own), camera devise (phone, camera, tablet, etc.)

This game has 2 parts. You can either explain how the entire game is played up front, or keep the Bingo part a surprise until after the craziness of the scavenger hunt is done and everyone thinks they may have won!

Scavenger Hunt, Part I. Using the list below, each family member must scavenge the house (indoors or out) and take a picture of as many items as possible within the time limit (the limit depending on ages of the kids and how difficult you want to make it. Between 3-10 minutes).

Bingo, Part II. Once time is up, players may think the one with the most pictures wins. But there’s more!!! Now it’s time to play Bingo with ONLY the items they have pictures of. Does anyone have Bingo?

There are printable Bingo cards attached to this page. Blank cards are also included in case you would like to make your own list.

·        Holiday mug or glass

·        Ornament

·        Santa hat

·        Hot chocolate

·        Star

·        Bells

·        Reindeer

·        Wrapped present

·        The color green

·        Candy cane

·        Cookies

·        Lights

·        Your favorite holiday decoration

·        Family member

·        Holiday book

·        Holiday card

·        Warm pjs

·        Bow

·        Stocking

·        Candle

·        Ugly sweater

·        Holiday song playlist

·        Mittens or gloves

·        Elf on Shelf

·        Any part of a snowman (carrot, scarf, hat, snowball, etc.)



Items needed: White boards or pre-cut paper with each family member’s name written on each piece of paper (1 set for each player)

Read a question from the list below. Everyone holds up their answer cards at the same time. The name that appears the most wins the point for that round. Proceed with the next question.

Who is most likely to:

1.     Watch the most holiday movies?

2.     Be heard singing holiday music out loud?

3.     Sneak a peak at the gifts?

4.     Put off shopping until the last minute?

5.     Listen to holiday music before Thanksgiving?

6.     Win at a snowball fight?

7.     Eat the most cookies?

8.    Wake up first on Christmas day?

9.    Sleep in on Christmas day?

10.  Act more like the Grinch?

11.  Act more like Buddy The Elf?

12.  Be ready to go back to school?

13.  Talk during a holiday movie?

14.  Break an ornament on the tree?

15.  Spend entire break playing video games?

16.  Wear an ugly Christmas sweater?

17.  Build the most epic snowman?



Items needed: Camera devices (camera, phone, tablet, etc.)

This is more of a memory maker than a game. For 10 days (or however many number you’d like), have each family member snap a picture each day of what Christmas means to them. It could be anything up to their interpretation. Then have them send you the pictures. Add all the pictures to a slideshow and set them to music. Show the slideshow on Christmas Day! This will also be fun to watch the following year and the year after – to see how everyone’s perspective changes over time.



Items needed: Camera devices (camera, phone, tablet, etc.) and/or sketch or construction paper. (Depending on ages)


This is for the creative family! It can be played individually or on teams of 2. Choose a favorite holiday song and then pose (or draw) an album cover for it! You can stage a scene and pose for the song and have a picture taken or depending on age, can draw an album cover.  Since everyone is a winner, you can then take this time to collaborate on a family playlist of holiday songs that can be played (without complaints!) on Christmas Day.


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